Terms of use

In compliance with Act 34/2002, of July 11, on information society and e-commerce services (LSS-CE), SESOLIVERES informs that it is the owner of the website www.sesoliveresmallorca.com. As stated in article 10 of the aforementioned Act, SESOLIVERES informs of the following data:

The owner of this website is SESOLIVERES, with CIF H07901317 and registered office at ADDRESS, registered in the Commercial Registry, in volume 4151, sheet 1312, page 32 and inscription 58288. The company contact e-mail address is: info@sesoliveresmallorca.com.


The navigation, access and use of the SESOLIVERES website confers the condition of user, whereby are accepted, from the navigation of the website of SESOLIVERES, all the conditions of use established here notwithstanding the application of the corresponding rules of obligatory legal compliance according to the case.

The website belonging to SESOLIVERES provides a great diversity of information, services and data. The user is responsible for his correct use of the website. This responsibility shall extend to:

  • The veracity and legality of the information provided by the user in the forms extended by SESOLIVERES for accessing certain contents or services offered by the website.

  • The use of the information, services and data offered by SESOLIVERES contrarily to what’s exposed in the present condition, the Law, moral, good habits or the public order, or that in any other way may harm the rights of third parties or the functioning of the website.


SESOLIVERES does not take responsibility for the content of the websites which the user might access through links established in his website and declares that in no case shall it examine or exercise any type of control on the content of other internet sites. Likewise, it shall neither guarantee the technical availability, exactitude, veracity, validity or legality of sites that lie outside of its property to which one may access through the links.

SESOLIVERES declares to have adopted all the necessary measures to avoid any harm to the users of its website, which could be derived from navigating its website. Consequently, SESOLIVERES does not take responsibility, in any case, for the eventual harm that the user may suffer by surfing the net.


SESOLIVERES reserves the right to carry out the modifications it deems necessary, without previous warning, on its websites content, both regarding the contents of the website and its terms of use. These modifications can be carried out through its website by any lawfully admissible means and shall have to be complied with during the time they are published on the web and until they aren’t validly modified by other subsequent modifications.


In accordance with the Constitutional Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection (LOPD), SESOLIVERES informs the users of its website that the personal data collected by the company, through the application forms found in its sites, shall be introduced in an automated file under the responsibility of SESOLIVERES, in order to facilitate, accelerate and comply with the compromises agreed by both parties.

Likewise, SESOLIVERES informs about the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancelation and opposition by writing to our address: ADDRESS.

As long as the user doesn’t inform SESOLIVERES of the contrary, the company shall understand that his data remains unchanged, that the user agrees to notify SESOLIVERES of any variation and that SESOLIVERES counts with the user’s consent to use it in order to foster the loyalty between the parties.


SESOLIVERES, by itself or acting as the transferee, is the owner of all the intellectual property and industrial rights of its website, as well as of the elements contained within it (images, sounds, audios, videos, software or texts; brands or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of used materials, computer programs necessary for its correct functioning, access and use, etc.), ownership of SESOLIVERES. They shall therefore be works protected as intellectual property by Spanish law, Spanish and communitarian regulations shall continue to apply in this field, as well as the international treaties relevant to the subject and subscribed by Spain.

All rights reserved. In compliance with the provision of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Spanish Intellectual Property Rights Act, the reproduction, distribution and public communication of the totality or part of the contents of this website with commercial purposes are expressly prohibited, including its modality of making available, in any format and through any technical means, without the authorization of SESOLIVERES.

The user shall respect the Intellectual Property and Industrial rights that belong to SESOLIVERES. He shall be able to visualize the elements of the site and even print them, copy them and store them on his computer’s hard drive or in any other physical format as long as it is, only and exclusively, for his own personal and private use. The user shall abstain himself from deleting, altering, eluding or manipulating any protection device or security system that may be installed in the websites of SESOLIVERES.


Likewise, SESOLIVERES reserves the faculty of presenting the civil or penal actions that it deems necessary for the wrongful use of its website and contents, or for the non-fulfillment of the present conditions.

The relation between the user and the lender shall be guided by the existing regulations that are applicable in Spanish territory. In the event of any controversy the parties shall be able to submit their conflicts to arbitration or turn towards the ordinary courts complying with the relevant rules of jurisdiction and competence. The registered office of SESOLIVERES is located in ILLES BALEARS, Spain.

LOPD and LSSI-CE informative clause

In accordance with the Constitutional Law 15/1999, of December 13, on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that your data shall be incorporated into a file under the responsibility of SESOLIVERES in order to better attend the compromises derived from the relation we maintain with you.

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancelation and opposition by writing to our address: ADDRESS.

As long as you don’t inform us of the contrary, we shall understand that your data remains unchanged, that you agree to notify us of any variation and that we count with your consent to make proper use of it.

Likewise, and in compliance with the Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society and E-Commerce Services, article 21, we also request your express consent for sending you publicity of our products or promotions that we consider may be of your interest, by e-mail or any other equivalent means of electronic communication.

I have read and accept to receive publicity or promotional information from SESOLIVERES. I have read and don’t accept to receive publicity or promotional information from SESOLIVERES.

We inform you that you shall be able to revoke at any time your consent to the reception of commercial communications by sending an e-mail to the address: info@sesoliveresmallorca.com.

Name and surnames or trade name: DNI or CIF:

Signature of the interested party.

Clause to introduce in the web form

In accordance with the Constitutional Law 15/1999, we inform you that the data obtained from this form shall be incorporated into an automated file under the responsibility of SESOLIVERES in order to attend your consultations and send you related information that can be of your interest. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancelation and opposition by writing to our address ADDRESS.

As long as you don’t inform us of the contrary, we shall understand that your data remains unchanged, that you agree to notify us of any variation and that we count with your consent to use it for the aforementioned purposes.

Sending this data implies the acceptation of this clause.